Top 10 Weight Loss Diet
Keto Diet

Top 10 Weight Loss Diet List

Diet Doctor, a leading U.S. diet website, has done a ranking of the top 10 popular weight loss diets. Led by American cardiologist Brett Schell and registered dietitian Francesca Spritzler, who sought extensive research support and data, the result was that the ketogenic diet ranked number one.

This may be a departure from the top 10 Weight Loss Diet you’ve seen ranked such rankings can be messed with by anyone, but the results may not be the same. So let’s look at what’s different about this top 10 weight loss diet ranking.

Top 10 Weight Loss Diet List

1. Ketogenic Diet

A ketogenic diet, in which very few carbohydrates (less than 50 grams) are consumed so that the body no longer uses glucose as its primary source of energy, but primarily uses fat (fat that is eaten or stored in the body) for energy. It is also important to consume enough protein (meat, fish, eggs, cheese, or tofu), good fats such as butter and olive oil, vegetables, nuts, and low-sugar berries.

In one of the studies, overweight adults who followed a ketogenic diet without calorie restriction lost 26 pounds (12 kg) and 5.8 percent of body fat over 24 weeks, while a calorie-restricted low-fat diet lost 14 pounds (6.5 kg) and 2.8 percent of body fat.

top 10 weight loss diet - ketogenic diet

The ketogenic diet is so effective for weight loss because it suppresses appetite and allows people to eat less naturally. Of course, in addition to weight loss, the ketogenic diet offers many health benefits. For example, when people with 2 types of diabetes adopt a ketogenic diet, they can effectively improve their blood sugar and quickly reduce or even stop using their diabetes medications.

Compared to other diets, a scientifically backed ketogenic diet can also reduce triglycerides, increase HDL cholesterol levels, and improve the size of small, dense LDLs can.


Weight loss, more effective than other diets, can suppress appetite, achieve weight loss without the restriction of calories or hunger, and significantly improve blood sugar and other metabolic indicators.


Stricter than some of the diets in the top 10 weight loss diet rankings (including moderate low-carb diets), with less sugar and carbohydrates, resulting in poorer withdrawal response and compliance, and many people not adhering. It may cause side effects such as keto flu at first, and medical supervision is required for people taking diabetes or blood pressure medications.

2. Low-carb Diet

A low-carb diet can consume about 50-130 grams of total carbohydrates per day, which is more than a ketogenic diet, but less than the 200-300 grams of carbohydrates most people consume per day. The low-carb diet allows for all foods on the ketogenic diet, such as meat, eggs, root vegetables, fats, and berries, as well as some foods that are slightly higher in carbohydrates, such as root vegetables and tubers, which contain small amounts of starch.

In a 2014 review of an 8-week-2-year trial, researchers concluded that low-carbohydrate diets were more effective than low-fat diets for weight loss.

Some studies have also shown that people on free low-carb diets lose more weight than people on calorie-restricted low-fat diets.

Some studies have found that low-carbohydrate diets are also superior to low-fat diets and other dietary interventions in lowering blood glucose levels in people with diabetes. Weight loss through a low-carbohydrate diet can help reduce the number of arterial plaques in people with heart disease. In addition, low-carbohydrate diets are beneficial in reducing heart disease risk indicators, particularly triglycerides and blood pressure.


Better weight loss than other diets in the top 10 weight loss diet, less restrictive than ketogenic diets, fewer side effects, and significant improvements in blood sugar and other metabolic indicators


May not have the same appetite control as a ketogenic diet and requires medical supervision for people taking diabetes or blood pressure medications.

3. Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting includes not eating for long periods, time-restricted eating (skipping 1-2 meals per day), and alternate-day fasting (fasting one day and fasting or eating less the next day). Unlike other weight loss programs, intermittent fasting restricts only when you eat, not what you eat.

Many studies have found that they are as effective as daily calorie restriction in reducing fat and improving health indicators. A review of clinical trials found that while every-other-day fasting or long-term restriction of calorie intake both resulted in weight loss and fat loss, people who fasted every other day retained more muscle than those on a daily low-calorie diet. a 2019 review of trials found that intermittent fasting lowered blood sugar and improved insulin sensitivity compared to a control diet.

One problem with intermittent fasting is that people can eat whatever they want during non-fasting periods, and some people may overeat. But regardless of how often you eat, getting enough essential nutrients (especially protein) and limiting nutrient-dense foods is essential for sustainable weight loss and overall health. If you are going to fast intermittently, try to choose nutrient-dense foods at meals.


More effective weight loss than long-term calorie restriction, no restriction on the type and amount of food during the eating window, and less time spent preparing, eating, and cleaning up after meals.


It can be difficult for some people to fast for dozens of hours which may cause some side effects and require medical supervision for people with diabetes or blood pressure medications.

4. Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet focuses on eating vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fish, legumes, nuts, olive oil, moderate amounts of meat, eggs, dairy products, and a small amount of alcohol.

In one study, people who followed the Mediterranean diet lost 7.5 pounds (3.4 kg) and 2.74 percent of their body fat in just four weeks. The study found that the Mediterranean diet was more effective than a low-fat diet when it came to weight loss, but that it was still the low-carb diet that was more effective when it came to weight loss.

In 2015, in a trial of the Mediterranean diet for people with type 2 diabetes, researchers found that the Mediterranean diet was more effective in lowering blood sugar, and HbA1c and reducing risk factors for heart disease compared to a low-fat diet.


Better weight loss than low-fat diets, possible improvement in blood sugar levels and other metabolic markers


Little weight loss, may require calorie restriction for weight loss, little metabolic benefit compared to low-carbohydrate diets

5. Primal Diet

The big idea of a primitive diet is to eat the foods that prehistoric ancestors could eat about 10,000 to 2 million years ago, eating foods such as meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, tubers (potatoes and yams), nuts, and seeds. Avoiding not only processed foods, refined flour, and sugar, but also whole grains, dairy products, and legumes, this diet focused on improving and preventing metabolic diseases with natural foods.

In 2019, researchers found in 9 of 11 trials that people who embraced the primal diet lost more weight than those who ate a conventional diet. In some trials, people on a primal diet were found to have greater improvements in blood sugar, insulin sensitivity, and triglyceride levels.

Because the primal diet provides a wide range of plant and animal foods, people following this diet are less likely to develop nutritional deficiencies but may experience calcium deficiencies due to a lack of dairy intake. However, intake of non-dairy sources of calcium (such as canned salmon or sardines, almonds, and green leafy vegetables) can meet the calcium needs of the primal diet. In addition, some people may be iodine deficient because iodized salt is not allowed in the primal diet and can help prevent iodine deficiency if fish and shellfish are consumed regularly.


May produce moderate weight loss with an emphasis on nutrient-dense, minimally processed foods, which may improve blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity compared to low-fat diets.


Not conducive to eating out, as the Primal Diet allows potatoes and honey, so it is difficult to improve blood sugar levels in people with carbohydrate sensitivity, and care needs to be taken to ensure adequate intake of iodine-rich seafood and non-dairy sources of calcium.

6. Vegetarian Diet

In a vegan diet, avoid eggs, meat, fish, dairy products, and gelatin (from animal bones and skins). Staple foods for vegans include legumes, grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables, and fruits.

Overall, vegan diets have shown better weight loss than standard diets in overweight people and people with type 2 diabetes. In a 16-week trial, 122 overweight adults who ate a low-fat vegan diet lost an average of nearly 14 pounds (6.4 kg), resulting in a 10 percent reduction in body fat and greater insulin sensitivity.

However, vegan diets require supplementation with vitamin B12 (found only in animal foods), and in addition, people who eat vegan diets are at higher risk for protein, vitamin D, calcium, iron, and zinc deficiencies. To stay healthy on a vegan diet, it is important to have an adequate source of protein (legumes, nuts, seeds) and vegetables at every meal, and to take supplements as needed.


Better weight loss than the top 10 diets, often without intentional calorie restriction, can lower blood sugar, insulin, and LDL cholesterol levels, and may be less expensive than diets containing meat, seafood, and other animal products.


May be difficult for some people to consistently meet protein and other nutritional needs; requires additional supplementation with vitamin B12 and other possible nutrients, may be difficult to have dinner or socialize with non-vegetarian friends.

7. Not Strict Vegetarian Diet

A loose vegetarian diet that does not eat meat but can eat some animal products, such as Lacto-ovo vegetarians can eat dairy products and eggs, and lacto-vegetarians can eat dairy products but no eggs. Trials of vegetarian diets have found that this type of eating may help some people lose weight, however, there is not enough evidence to prove that vegetarian diets are effective for long-term weight loss.


This may lead to moderate weight loss, less restriction, and easier meals compared to a vegan diet, which may lead to moderate improvements in blood sugar and heart health indicators.


May require calorie restriction to lose weight, is less likely to improve diabetes control than a meat-containing diet with similar nutrients, and is more likely to reduce heart disease risk than a meat-containing diet with the same nutrients.

8. DASH Diet

The DASH diet is designed to lower blood pressure by limiting the intake of sugar and saturated fat, and also limiting sodium intake. The main intake of minimally processed foods is high in potassium and other minerals, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products.

Although the primary focus of the DASH diet is to lower blood pressure to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, some studies have shown that it can help people lose weight. A review of 13 trials found that the DASH diet was better for weight loss compared to a control diet, resulting in an average loss of 3 pounds (1.4 kg) on average.

A review of 50 trials conducted in 2020 found that the DASH diet slightly lowered blood pressure compared to the control diet. However, the DASH diet was most effective in lowering blood pressure when the daily sodium intake was not less than 2400 mg.


Produces equal or better weight loss than other calorie-restricted diets, allows a wide variety of processed foods, will slightly lower blood pressure, and may improve some indicators of metabolic health


Trying to lose weight requires proper calorie restriction, which may be challenging to do over time due to low fat and salt content, unlikely to lower blood sugar levels.

9. WW (Watch Watcher) Diet

The WW diet uses the calories of foods as point values. Many fruits, vegetables, legumes, and lean proteins have a point value of zero, and people are encouraged to eat more of these foods, and a person can eat up to a total of 100, 200 or 300 points of other foods per day.

In a 2016 trial, adults with prodromal diabetes who followed the WW points program lost 5.5 percent of their body weight over 12 months, compared with 0.2 percent for adults who ate according to the National Diabetes Education Program guidelines.


Potential for appropriate weight loss, no food restrictions, points system encourages consumption of essential nutrients.


Limited weight loss, little published evidence to support its improved health indicators, and cost to join WW online diet program.

10. Zone Diet

Created by Dr. Barry Sears, the Zone diet focuses on eating a specific proportion of nutrients at each meal – 40 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent protein, and 30 percent fat. the Zone diet also involves choosing low-glycemic-index carbohydrates (e.g., vegetables, sweet potatoes, apples), lean proteins (chicken breasts, fish, egg whites), and unsaturated fats (olive oil, nuts).

In a small study, Italian researchers reported that participants who followed the Zone diet lost more body fat than those who followed standard dietary recommendations and were supplemented with omega-3 fatty acids.


Has some weight loss effects, allows for a wide variety of processed foods, high in protein and other essential nutrients.


Limited published evidence to support its weight loss effects and limited published evidence to support its benefits for metabolic health.

Final Comments

The focus of this top 10 weight loss diet ranking is weight loss results, so there is nothing wrong with the ketogenic diet coming in first, and the fact is that everyone can try a different approach to weight loss. While some diets are better for weight loss and some are worse, no one diet plan works for everyone. Losing weight and staying healthy is a natural thing to do if you look at your diet as a long-term healthy lifestyle rather than a short-term quick-fix diet.

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